Part 4 : VMWare VCenter 6.7 : VCenter 6.7 Installation with External PSC
This post will cover the installation of vCenter server and pointing it to the external load balanced PSC which we had implemented in the last three posts of this series.
Just to recap First we had installed 2 PSC nodes in same SSO domain and site, Then we installed certificates on the PSC server. After that we had configured Netscaler load balancer for load balancing both PSC nodes. With this we are ready to start vCenter server installation.
Contents of the Post
Pre-requisites for this post
Pre-requisites are very simple for this.
- Make sure the Part1, Part2 and Part 3 of this series are successfully completed.
- DNS records for vCenter is created
- []
- DNS records for load balanced external PSC’s and virtual IP is created.
- []
- []
- []
- necessary hosting resources for creating vCenter server.
Configuring PSC HA 6.7 for SSL passthrough
To configure the PSCs for load balancing two scripts and needs to be ran. These steps are detailed in this vmware article.
- The script updates information local to each PSC, Hence needs to be ran on all PSC instances.
- The script updates the ServiceRegistration Endpoints in VMDir and only needs to be ran on one of the PSCs in the HA instance.
Running the script
Step 1: Connect to the PSC appliance and log in with root credentials.
Step 2: Type shell to access the Bash shell.
Step 3: Navigate to /usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin with this command:
cd /usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin
Step 4: Run this command:
python –lb-fqdn=psc-ha-vip
For example:
python –
Step 5: Repeat these steps 1 to 4 on remaining PSCs.
Sample Output of the script is shown below.
Running the script
Step 1: Connect to the PSC appliance and log in with root credentials.
Step 2: Type shell to access the Bash shell.
Step 3: Navigate to /usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin with this command:
cd /usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin
Step 4: Run this command: ( this script needs to be ran on any one PSC only)
python – –user=administrative_user –password=password
For example:
python – –user=administrator@vsphere.local –password=VMWare1!!
Installing vCenter Server Appliance
Now as the Load balancer is already configured and tested in Part 3 of this series , Necessary scripts are run as shown above. vCenter server can be installed and pointed to the load balanced PSC Virtual IP.
Mount the vCenter ISO media and start installer as shown below.
As PSC is already available and now we are installing vCenter server alone. Select vCenter Server as shown below and Next
Provide the ESXi or vCenter details over which we need to deploy this vCenter appliance.
Provide the vCenter server VM name, Root password for the vCenter appliance, confirm it – > Next
Select the Deployment size, as my lab is of small size will go for tiny. Based on your environment select the size.
Select DataStore and click next
Provide below details for the vCenter server
- Select VM Network used by vCenter server
- IPV4
- IP assignment : static
- FQDN :
- IP address:
- Mask:
- gateway:
- DNS Servers:
leave other defaults and next
Review the settings and click Finish
With this Stage 1 is completed, Click Continue to start stage 2. Some times stage 2 will fail if you click continue due to the DNS records not present for vCenter or the DNS lookup for vCenter url is not working from the machine from which you are running installer.
Note: if by chance this window is closed stage2 can be done anytime later using https://fqdn-of-vcenter-server:5480 url.
Note:Take a snapshot of the vCenter VM before moving to Stage 2. If it fails we need to just revert to snapshot and start again.
Select Sync time with NTP and Provide NTP server IP :
Provide the PSC details as shown below.
- PSC : ( this is load balanced dns record)
- Port : 443
- SSO domain: vsphere.local
- SSO password: provide SSO password of PSC.
Review the complete configuration and click finish.
Click Ok as this process cannot be interrupted or stopped.
Stage 2 will show a successful message as shown below.
Login and Test vCenter
Now open the vCenter URL and login to web client. Make sure flash player is enabled and better to use chrome or firefox.
Login to vCenter server and create Datacenters, clusters and add hosts as shown below.
With this vCenter installation and configuration with external load balanced PSC is completed. next part will cover the vCenter High Availability. It is not a mandatory thing to do VCHA ,but its a good and cool feature for vCenter availability.
Quick Links for vCenter 6.7 Installation Series
Links to all the posts in vCenter 6.7 VCHA installation with External load balanced PSC
Part 1 : VMWare VCenter 6.7 : External PSC for LB Step-By-Step Installation
Part 2 : VMWare VCenter 6.7 : PSC External Certificate Installation
Part 3 : VMWare VCenter 6.7 : PSC loadBalancing with NetScaler
Part 4 : VMWare VCenter 6.7 : VCenter 6.7 Installation with External PSC
Part 5 : VMWare VCenter 6.7 : VCenter 6.7 VCHA configuration
Helllo Dear How are you.
I am facing this Issue while running 2nd script.First script Run Successfully on Both PSC.
root@vPSC-01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-sso/bin ]# python –lb-fqdn=psc-lb.mylab.local –user=administrator@vsphere.local –password=Password123!
Error 2: Object/Configuration not found.
Verify configuration value has been set.
LB FQDN not present in Subject Alternate name of Certificate which is being used to update SSL trust.
Check LB FQDNa and certificate and re-run
kindly share the vcenter version you are using. please note that external PSC is no more supported. Please use embedded PSC only.
pls check this